
Sunday, January 24, 2016

B.L.A.D.E. Report #2 - Arms and the Man

Great Scott! The last few days have been pretty crazy, but I'm back and I've got some stories to tell you. Since I've left off at Sylvalum last time, I installed a probe at FN sites 411 and 417. Even better, we found this!

 A piece of the Life Hold! Unfortunately, we can't do any with it until the higher ups figure out a plan of retrieval since it's quite a ways away, there are many indigen nests in the area, and the Ganglion are littered on the path to the Life Hold piece. Also, for the sake of secrecy, the coordinates will remain confidential. What's next? Well jumping (driving) of a cliff of course! Remember the previously mentioned indigen nests? It didn't take long for them to notice us and the foggy night really didn't help either. The only thing I could think of was to drive off the edge of the continent which thankfully worked. And back to NLA we went. After checking in with the Barracks and doing some equipment and team organisation, the team and I checked with mission control and handed in materials needed for A Crickety Cure; 3 glassy crickets, What's a Toaman; 5 vials of toaman acid, and Thick-Skinned- 4 hard skins.

 Afterwards, Yelv comes up to us and we converse, looking for interesting missions. During this exchange, we learn that Yelv worked in the military back on Earth, stationed in a desert and that he got most of his info from the neighboring towns; the locals and that we should do the same to look for an "interesting" mission. He also talks about how he and his best friend used to sneak out of the barracks at night to hang out with "the boys" and work as bouncers for a little extra money. Back to the present, we take a look around the commercial district and overhear talk of some tough blattas gathering near NLA's walls. With nothing else to, our team when out to take care of it.We squashed them (literally) and returned to Elenora to report our completion. After congratulating our success, Elenora continues to tease and talk to Yelv about the thing he's looking for. Her interest in him only makes me want to ship them so bad. They're a cute couple in my opinion, even though Yelv has absolutely no interest in her. She then mentions about some White Whale wreckage at Oblivia's Great Washington Isle. Exited, Yelv gets ready to depart as do we. We get there and fight some curious indigen followed by inspecting the debris. We find an arm of a mim to which Yelv freaks out with excitement and happiness saying "He's here!" With that, he takes me away from the others and tells my about his past and how it relates to this. I promised to keep this a secret so the details will be left out; sorry! Maybe some other time, I'll be able to tell you.

 Back at NLA, I hand in the 11 shimmering skins for Fell Fashion at mission control and then take a walk around the Residential District then the Commercial District, and finally the Industrial District. As I enter the residential district, I notice a weird man by one of the garages tucked away in the North side of the district. By talking to him, I get accused of being an assassin to which I reply peacefully and gain his trust. The man introduces himself as Professor B. It also becomes established that some of his language can't be translated or even pronounced in English.

I decide to help him with his research and his first request is to obtain some tykki sap from Noctilum. I assemble the team and we go out to find the sap. What a coincidence! It's found in a tree right beside the Prone Base mentioned last post.

              (The entrance is where the arrow is)

We managed to sneak our way through and get the syrup, but not before an encounter with four B.L.A.D.E. members. They had us surrounded and questioned us. Hoping for the slight chance that they would not attack, I answer them honestly, but they still attacked us after. It was an easy fight until a small swarm of wasp-like indigen too close to the fight joined in.It was close, but we made it out on top, getting the sap and getting it to Professor B. According to him those B.L.A.D.E.s being led by Gadd just wants Professor B's tech. He compensates and apologizes to us buy giving us the money to buy the next item, a car! Why? Because he apparently is from the future and wants to build a time machine to get back to his time Back To The Future style with said car. He even has a young Manon sidekick named Veven who probably should not be involved in this, but it was his choice. And so, we went to his friend in the Commercial District to buy a car. What do you know? We had choices; an average blue car for 10,000G, a wrecked grey car for 1,000G and a high quality red and black car for 100,000G. Since Professor B gave us 10,000G, we bought the average car. At last, we tested the time machine once Professor B installed all the modifications. With some convincing Professor B gets Veven to test it. Of course, it didn't work. The Professor surmised that we'll need some topaz wine from a clay tectinsula to fix the time machine. Once we returned with the topaz wine, the Professor fixed the machine and prepared to leave. After exchanging our last words, he leaves and Veven comes back too late. I felt bad for the little guy. He really wanted to be a part of the scientific breakthrough that is time travel. He didn't even get to say bye to the Professor. Hoping to get his spirits up, I mentioned how grateful the Professor was and that he promised to always keep us in his heart as the ones who helped him conquer time. That was what was needed to reignite Veven's spirit. He then swears that he will dedicate the rest of his life to time travel and to find Professor B again. Veven went straight to work and here we are now; at the Professor's lab.

 Thank you for reading and please! Tell me who you think the arm of that mim we found with Yelv belongs to, or what car you would of bought for Professor B. Also, tell me if you also think Yelv and Elenora make a cute couple.

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