
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

B.L.A.D.E. Report #8 - An Early Break

Heeeeellllooooo! Hey guys, I'm back and while things are going back to normal, I still don't have as much time as before to get things done. Let's just say that I have A LOT of "paper work" to do if you know what I mean. The work just keeps coming, and the target dates aren't slowing down. I should really catch up before the Commander Vandham gives me a beating. Anyways........ Let's go over my recent activities.

First off, we get back to NLA and report back to Stella to let her know of our completion of the mission "Dead Men Tell No Tales," and to learn of the results. Director General Nagi was ecstatic according to Stella and just as hoped, the Zaruboggen fit into society pretty quickly. I guess that after having four different alien species join before them, it has finally become normal to us humans. I think that we are truly becoming a great colony and a force to be reckoned with against the Ganglions. We then move on to Armory Alley to re-equip ourselves for the next journey. At mission control, we accept three missions; A Practice Partner, In Need of a Hand, and Oskar, the Summer Squall.

Once that was settled, we headed off to Noctilum in search of this "Oskar, the Summer Squall". NW of FN site 222, we find Oskar and challenge the great beast. He really wasn't that difficult as he is classified as a level 11 indigen and I have beat him before actually. He, like other Tyrants, will come back as another of the same species that will take the name eventually. For now though, we handled the problem. Next stop? Sylvalum!

Getting right down to business, we drive off to the north shore of Lake Ciel to hunt some adsecula. Once we defeated four of these sparrow adseculas, we've completed Adsecula Extermination. Last but not least, we head north and installed a probe at FN site 407. Aaaaand..... that's it folks! Yup.... That's it....

                         Those things are really creepy.
              (They just stand, hugging the wall and twitch)

Thank you and please! Tell me if you procrastinate your work or do you get it done as soon as possible; or are you in the middle. Can you balance exploration and your "paper work?" And finally, which alien species are you most interested in. We've brought in five different alien species so far and I'm very interested in the Nopon and how they survive on Mira despite their short stature, primitive methods, and not the brightest sentient beings. One thing I can confirm is they are just the cutest things! I'll admit that I even enjoy Tatsu's company; most of the time.

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