
Saturday, February 6, 2016

B.L.A.D.E. Report #4 - BFFs

Hunting out on a night like this is breathtaking!

Hey guys! I'm back with another post and since last time, we have gained a valuable ally. Who you may ask? Well, the Nopon of course! =^.^= They're sooooooo CUTE! And apparently, Commander Vandham agrees. In that moment, he was such a tsundere. If he only said BAKA, then he would earn all my respect and loyalty.

Anyways, Commander Vandham sent us on a mission to form an official alliance with the Nopon by getting them to sign a treaty. He tasked us to go visit Dodonga caravan and Dorian caravan and get them to sign said treaty. Guessing that Tatsu would want to see his "mamapon" as soon as possible, we go to Dodonga caravan first. As we enter the caravan, Tatsu's siblings, cute as always, welcome us. After things have calmed down, we quickly notice that Koko was missing. The little ones tell us that she went fishing three days ago. We all immediately thought the same thing; WHO GOES FISHING FOR THREE DAYS!!!! Filled with worry, we go looking for Koko around the many waterfalls at the north side of the continent.

Just on the nick of time, we here the voice of a really angry Nopon. As expected it was Koko and and indigen eating a HUGE fish! Seriously! It was bigger than one of us! First of all how did Koko catch that thing? Two, how was Koko not scared. I have to admit; she is extremely devoted to her children. She even threatened to eat the indigen if it didn't leave. Tatsu quickly breaks up the tension and runs in between the two. He begins saying quite some honorable things until he then quickly asks us to kill the indigen for them. With a sigh of disappointment and urgency, we engage in battle. As the indigen falls, Koko states that it's corpse will be their new dinner and thanks us and Tatsu. Before bringing the corpse back to the caravan, we ask if she could sign the treaty. After just saving her, she happily agrees. Once we take the corpse back to the caravan, we head to Dorian caravan in Oblivia. On the way, we defeat Hephaestus, the Absconder and complete his bounty mission of the same name.

              Someday, we'll take down that indigen...

At Dorian caravan, we meet the head, Mujiji. We negotiate and he makes his request. In order to sign the treaty, Mujiji requires 30,000 credits for his caravan. At this point, this large amount of money isn't that much since I'm making so much, so paid the full amount without complaint. It was then that I realize that the caravan tricked us when one of the residents gets exited, talking about getting loopy on pollen orbs. It seems that the money is only going to be used for their pleasure. Well, merchants are definitely merchants.

We finally report back to Commander Vandham and the immigration of Nopon began. The alliance has been made official. To make the most of the alliance, a group of Nopon started a new arms manufacturing group; The Nopon Commercerce Guild. This group focuses on making thermal weapons and larger magazine capacities. To give a good start, I invested a large amount of miranium and they reach their second milestone. Unfortunately, no new developments have been made.

YES! We can all become Heropon of the Nopon!

Last but not least, we complete a bunch of basic missions from mission control. Right after accepting them, we've completed, Skell repairs; gather 5 broken pincers, Coolest of the Cool; gather 3 sharp germivore jaws, Extreme Flufiness; gather 3 green simius manes, No Friend Like Nopon; gather 12 babaco leaves, Must-Have Blob; gather 7 loathsome blobs, and Standing Tall(er); gather 10 spine-o-correctors. Have I mentioned that I love these names? They are so creative, yet so simple. We also accept the bounty quests; Mesgen, the Fairweathered, Ferdinand, the Fortuitous, Purgovent Purge, Lockhart, the Killer of Hope, Culling Caesuses, Laying Lowphids Low, and Ludvik, the Picky Eater. We go and do some hunting to complete some of the bounties. We complete Plucking Auravices where we had to defeat 2 reaver auravices. We also defeat Ludvick, the Picky Eater and Mesgen, the Fairweathered, completing their bounties. We have gained much, and I guess there is such thing as too much of a good thing. On the way to NLA, we ran into an indigen that was way over our heads. Before we could even run away, it took out my entire team and skell in two hits. There goes my insurance. Now, the insurance company will only cover repairs for my skell one more time.

                     If only we could fly...

And that's it! Thank you for reading and please! Tell me if you ever wrecked a vehicle before. Here on Mira or back on Earth. How did you feel when this happened? Where there any specifics or interesting stories you want to share? Feel free to respond here and remember that you are not obligated to respond. If you want to you can.

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