
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Letter of Apology

Hey guys! It's been a while... Okay, a long while. A loooooooong while. I'm here to say, I'm sorry. At this point of the year, things have been really busy, and work just continues to pile up. Do don't worry, everything is going to be fine, and I'm going to continue posting once summer break starts. Once school is over, I will have more time to play Xenoblade Chronicles X. So once again, please have patience and when summer comes around, we'll continue our adventures in Mira. And that's it! I wish everyone a good spring. See you guys in the summer!

Friday, March 25, 2016

B.L.A.D.E. Report #10 - A Dubious Operation

Everything good has some form of evil with it. That's just nature.With the completion of our most recent request, this concept comes to mind. Hello and welcome to this week's report! I hope that my posts are continuing to be useful or entertaining. Well, on to the interesting info.

After we talked with the B.L.A.D.E. Alex, we took a walk through and around the Commercial District. In one of the back alleys, we find Kirsty who was apparently waiting for us. She started off by talking about how quickly NLA was changing and improving, both in technology and in business thanks to these foreign aliens. She then goes on to explain the spike in miranium usage that resulted from these innovations. Kirsty's request, Planetary Pioneer (Part III), was for us to deliver 2,500 units of miranium to her, gather seven moleworms which will be used to help in the miranium creation process, and to find hidden data unit FN095. Once we accepted the request, we got back on track and started looking for our voltant clients, for our "Dubious Operation".

First, we picked up a defective fuel cell from the mechanic Graham in the commercial district. From him, we learn of a B.L.A.D.E. named Rosella who was oddly obsessed with the Zaruboggen. Appreciative of his concern, we take extra caution and look out for any odd B.L.A.D.E. activity. At the Administrative District hangers, we take Dr. Jeffery's hazardous waste. We conversed for a bit and he mentions his interest in seeing the devoltization process. On our way to the last client, we meet Arwae, a Manon who is confused with our day and night lifestyle and wants to learn more. Being a perfect opportunity, we invite Arwae to Alex's seminar. And then, we locate Pfeffen, receiving the toxic bomb he accidentally created. Pfeffen then mentions how someone named Roselle has come to him to ask if he would sell her the bomb. Preferring to follow the law and not endanger anyone, he refused.

Still, how do you "accidentally" create a bomb when you were looking for a way to reduce energy use?

Returning to the Commercial District, we meet with a distraught Dr. Jeffrey. As stated before, he was interested in the devoltization process and went to Shiraton, our client, to witness and study the method. Panicking, we successfully attempted to calm him down. Collecting his thoughts, he explains that a female B.L.A.D.E. member got in an argument with Shiraton and she kidnapped him. We prepared to set out after her who, according to the Doctor, left through the East Gate and went NE. By the cliffs on the east side of Primordia, we find Roselle, Shiraton, and a gigantic pile of toxic waste. It looked like she was making Shiraton devoltize it all, so we confronted her. She explained herself by saying that this will completely remove the factor of pollution and this is an environmental breakthrough. It is definitely a revolutionary idea/method and I actually agree with this plan. Where we disagreed was that she wished to profit from this and monopolize this method as hers. Without warning she attacks with her skell, "Gold Courage". In response, we fight back, wrecking her skell and causing her to surrender. With impeccable timing, Shiraton finished, finally noticed us. He then questioned us for attacking Roselle. Questioning him, he said that that pile of waste was a Zaruboggen's dream with all that voltant. He then states Roselle as his friend and ally. With this confession, Roselle bribed us to keep quite about all this. As you may guess, I refused and had her arrested. By this point, Roselle wished to turn herself in and take the consequences. She left humbly and we take Shiraton back to NLA.  And that's the end of our "Dubious Operation".

                All that garbage; no longer toxic in a matter of minutes...

Thank you and please! Tell me if you think we should move forward with Roselle's plan of having some Zaruboggen assigned to devoltize our pollution. I think that this can work under the control of B.L.A.D.E. and that Roselle could actually lead this project. Also, am I wrong is saying that most Zaruboggen are "airheads". They only seem to care about the present, and don't think to much about the past or future. Maybe it's just me.

     Just around the corner, we have this view. (And then I jumped off the cliff)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

B.L.A.D.E. Report # 9 - Attack on Biahno Hills

Trust is a touchy subject whenever traitors are involved. Within the past few days, this exact issue came up with our mission, Attack on Biahano Hills. In addition, I have a bad feeling about how the aftermath will be dealt with. Where should we start? Where we left off of course! (Why did I even ask?)

That full moon is very big, and very beautiful.

Anyways; from Sylvalum, we return to NLA and do our usual preparation routine. Afterwards, we drove off to Biahano Hills and found the scouting team... or what's left of them. Yusof was leaning behind a rock, while bodies and broken equipment littered the ground. Once he collected his thoughts, Yusof told us what happened. Apparently, the enemy was prepared for battle before the scouting team got there, and they eliminated the team expect for Yusof. Such heavy preparation and protection shouldn't be possible in such little time, and the only explanation could be that there was an info leak. It doesn't sit well with us; the thought of another fellow B.L.A.D.E. member deserting us is not too trilling. Yusof agreed, wishing to believe in Clemons as well.

Back at NLA we reported to Lara Nara who regretablely believed that Clemons was a traitor. At the moment, Yusof and Suriella were interrogating Clemons, or so we thought. Just as we were about to take our leave, Suriella sprints past us, towards the Commercial District. Following behind was Yusof; and Suriella? They explain that the Suriella that just left was a Definian; the fake Clemons.Once that was all cleared up, we split up to search for the Definian. In the Commercial district, we find Clemons, and before we tried apprehending him, he claimed to be the real one and that there was a casualty at the Industrial District. He said that the Definian was leaving through the West Gate. Without thinking, we headed to the Residential District where Lara Nara was examining the body with a forensics team. It was then that we learn that the body was Clemons'; the the Clemons. The body was at least three days old. It was one thing after another; a B.L.A.D.E. scout reported back to tell us that Suriella took a helicopter and was sighted with "Clemons" on an island off the coast, west of NLA. Expecting the worst, we take our skell and book it to the designated island.
                     Rest in peace Clemons...
After finding the island, we park behind a rock and watch the conversation unfold. To summarize, the two were Definian spies gaining intel for the Ganglion. Suriella's true name is Erio while the fake Clemons is Dieara. We also learn that Erio has grown attached to humans after living with them since we landed. Erio had turned traitor towards the Ganglion. Standing her ground, Erio took multiple attacks from Dieara until we intervened and defeated her. We get a proper explanation from Erio and learn that the real Suriella died in the crash landing on Mira. It was Erio who took Suriella's place as soon as possible. She also confesses to us that she was the Clemons in the Commercial District so that she can tell us of the real Clemons' body. She sincerely apologized to us and, as we should, we forgave her. Then, out of nowhere, Lara Nara came in and arrested her. A spy is still a spy, and I guess that as enough for her to be arrested. I know that we got his word that Erio will not be harmed and that he'll try his best to get her freedom back, but I'm just worried that those are empty words and that this situation will be out of our control. Then again, we can handle another situation like this. In the end, you readers might understand how I feel. I; we got to know this Suriella and to see her image change just like that is just depressing. I may have not known her as well as others, but she was a good person regardless. Erio was a good person, and I hope she can clear everything up as soon as possible.

                 Even the shore is pretty!

Again, we return to NLA and wind down in the commercial district; or so we hoped. Of course, our work becomes like second nature. We run into a Zaruboggan named Shiraton who is tasked with collecting a substance called voltant on his own since his partner passed out from eating a hamburger. Just so you know, voltant is a poisonous substance that the Zaruboggan consume. And so, we accept the request, A Dubious Operation where we are tasked with collecting voltant from the specified people. Before we end this off, we find Alex; a fellow B.L.A.D.E. member. His problem was that he felt that the alien species were out of hand and should be educated in our laws. Personally, I don't see his view, but I can understand his goal. If everyone has the same understanding of the rules that can apply to everyone, we as a colony can improve for the better. We accept his request, Alien Nation, but I start having second thoughts when our first task is to "collar" three Manon; which after questioning, he corrects himself very awkwardly. Regardless, a request is a request and I might be able to work this out peacefully.

               Even on Mira, we have fast food restaurants!

Thank you and please! Tell me if you have ever been betrayed. How have you dealt with it and how did it end with the other? Remember that you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but if you what to share an interesting story, feel free to put it in the comments below.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

B.L.A.D.E. Report #8 - An Early Break

Heeeeellllooooo! Hey guys, I'm back and while things are going back to normal, I still don't have as much time as before to get things done. Let's just say that I have A LOT of "paper work" to do if you know what I mean. The work just keeps coming, and the target dates aren't slowing down. I should really catch up before the Commander Vandham gives me a beating. Anyways........ Let's go over my recent activities.

First off, we get back to NLA and report back to Stella to let her know of our completion of the mission "Dead Men Tell No Tales," and to learn of the results. Director General Nagi was ecstatic according to Stella and just as hoped, the Zaruboggen fit into society pretty quickly. I guess that after having four different alien species join before them, it has finally become normal to us humans. I think that we are truly becoming a great colony and a force to be reckoned with against the Ganglions. We then move on to Armory Alley to re-equip ourselves for the next journey. At mission control, we accept three missions; A Practice Partner, In Need of a Hand, and Oskar, the Summer Squall.

Once that was settled, we headed off to Noctilum in search of this "Oskar, the Summer Squall". NW of FN site 222, we find Oskar and challenge the great beast. He really wasn't that difficult as he is classified as a level 11 indigen and I have beat him before actually. He, like other Tyrants, will come back as another of the same species that will take the name eventually. For now though, we handled the problem. Next stop? Sylvalum!

Getting right down to business, we drive off to the north shore of Lake Ciel to hunt some adsecula. Once we defeated four of these sparrow adseculas, we've completed Adsecula Extermination. Last but not least, we head north and installed a probe at FN site 407. Aaaaand..... that's it folks! Yup.... That's it....

                         Those things are really creepy.
              (They just stand, hugging the wall and twitch)

Thank you and please! Tell me if you procrastinate your work or do you get it done as soon as possible; or are you in the middle. Can you balance exploration and your "paper work?" And finally, which alien species are you most interested in. We've brought in five different alien species so far and I'm very interested in the Nopon and how they survive on Mira despite their short stature, primitive methods, and not the brightest sentient beings. One thing I can confirm is they are just the cutest things! I'll admit that I even enjoy Tatsu's company; most of the time.

Friday, March 4, 2016

B.L.A.D.E. Report #7 - Dead Men Tell No Tales (and get nothing done)

Oh gosh! Just looking at my notes for this post makes it seem like we did a lot, when I don't feel that way. A lot of what we did were just tasks, missions and chores accepted with a few being completed. Every goal I had, with the exception of one, ended in failure.

  I'm really interested in those glowing green balls. Are they plants or are they a material?

Starting back in Sylvalum, we continue our exploration of the Ganglion base North of FN site 409. Unfortunately, my luck was in the opposite direction and any enemy within our vicinity began shooting and their attacks just attracted more. We did complete Pounding Purges by defeating 6 knight purges, but being unable to hold our own anymore, we turn tail and run. Finally getting out of that death trap, we decide to explore the West side of Sylvalum. We make our way past Lake Ciel and into the West Ciel Sandsea where there are many absolutely tough enemies. Their were also many sight based enemies in the area and most of them being flying indigen, they will relentless chase you if you get caught. On our journey towards FN site 401, we defeat Alexei, the Jade, located NE of FN site 402. Eventually, after many setbacks, we get to FN site 401 and install the probe. We continue from there, entering the Secluded Lava Lake. Just like outside, there were many strong sight based indigen, and we couldn't get far. Also, in the cave, I finally master the Partisan Eagle class, and decide to change branches to the Striker branch and class. Back to basics, I got significantly weaker, but could still manage. Finally giving up, we return to NLA to rest, calm down, and reconnect with the citizens and other BLADES.

One of the first things we do is report to Kirsty about completing  Planetary Pioneer. From our conversation, we learn that the data probe we collected along with the other resources was for a classified project. According to Kirsty, the project is related to something about her colleagues and professors. I can't wait to find out what will come out of this project, or if we can help out more. Taking a look out in front of the BLADE Tower, we see two BLADE members discuss something with urgency. Joining in, Lara Nara and Clemons fill us in on their intel. They tell us that the Prone base North of NLA is developing a new weapon; and with that, we accept Attack on Biahno Hills. With impeccable timing, "Mr. Purple Hair" receives a call from the team already sent to buy some time for us. We were supposed to escort a research team into the base, find the weapon, and have them analyze it, but the prone forces already made their move, destroying their defense. Now, we were required to assist the team, and act as a clean up crew. Before going, we were going to take a walk around the Residential District, but Stella finds us with a message from Director General Nagi. Stella apparently came with info about a Ganglion survey team investigating the entrance to Dead Man's Gulch in Noctilum. Knowing why the Ganglion were investigating the area last time, there was concern of another super weapon that could potentially be there. Another concerning detail was that the Ganglions only sent a survey team when a small army could not handle the numerous tainted indigen there. This became our new highest priority; Dead Men Tell No Tales, which we will start after walking around the Residential District.

We take a look around enjoying the sights and listening to the idol chatter among the people. We didn't gain any valuable information, but we did manage to find little miss Murderess. East of Deliverance Park, we take notice of her over some hedges and go around through the front, through the the garage, and into the backyard where she is having teatime with this man in a tuxedo. Enjoying a cup of Ceylon tea, she seems to be on a "date" with this man. Even if it uses substituted ingredients, I was still interested in this Ceylon tea and asked to join in on her teatime. She flat out rejects me, but she did offer to share a ration for dinner later. Although it wasn't my intent, I guess this worked out, even if Irina may not approve. Also, knowing Murderess, I became interested in their conversation since I doubt this is a serious date between lovers. Once again, I was rejected right off the bat. Oh well! Too bad, so sad!

Looking at that area in the distance is weird. From here, it doesn't look familiar.

With urgency, we head to Dead Man's Gulch in Noctilum where we find a new alien species. A group of five of them were arguing about who should go deeper into the gulch to obtain something.From the conversation, I could tell that these aliens are very egotistical and didn't care much for each other unless looking at the situation as a danger to their entire group. Based on what they were saying, it seems that this group is being blackmailed into acting as retrievers, scouts, and meat shields. It didn't take long for them to notice us and cower in fear calling out to their God, Golbogga. I'm assuming this fear is because the Ganglion are spreading propaganda to all the aliens under their control. The ganglion supervisor then returns and attacks us. It was an easy fight which ended pretty quickly; even with their reinforcements. Saving the aliens, some of them were grateful while others were pessimistic. I guess it's understandable, but despite our peaceful advances, they believed that as the stronger force, we were even worse that the Ganglion. One of them even ran away; right into the jaws of a bothered Tainted Caro. We were all put off-guard, but we drew our weapons and fought the three Tainted. This last show of courage finally got them on our side. They introduced themselves as Zaruboggen; a species that is known as the ones that invented a universal environment suit. They were happy to join NLA and assist us in our cause. As of right now, we are on our way back to NLA. See you guys later!

          That tree branch just makes this picture!

Thank you for reading and please! Tell me what is your favourite class or class branch! Also, what is your favourite tea? And finally, is it just me or is the difference in difficulty between Noctilum and Oblivia compared to Sylvalum ridiculously huge? I'm having many problems exploring and some tips would be appreciated.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

B.L.A.D.E. Report #6 - Trying Something New (and failing)

Well, how was the last post. Pretty long huh? Sorry about that, but now we have something new! First though, since the last post, we return to NLA to prepare. No missions were completed, but we did find Frye behind Repenta Diner at night in the Industrial District. Apparently, Frye was trying to get drunk but is having problems with that. He can't get drunk on Scotch anymore and is looking for something else. Frye asks for what type of drink I prefer. I don't drink, but I feel that wine makes anything feel special and refined. Frye agreed with it being refined, which was totally not his style. He said that wine is the complete opposite of "cheap Scotch." He then comes up with and idea. Frye decides to make his own wine with Mira's unique resource. He then goes off to make plans for his distillery. Morning comes and we start the video. Unfortunately, we died just as we entered Sylvalum. Not the best start to the video, so here is the second video. Just for some context, we travel to Sylvalum to install a probe at FN site 409. The next problem encountered is the sudden lack of space on my recording device. I unfortunately ran out of space and the video cuts off mid-battle. Be assured that I have made it to FN site 409 and installed the probe. What's next? Well, that's it. We found a place to hide for now, but we'll get moving soon enough.

My friend's Youtube Channel: troop8492

Thank you for reading (watching?) and please! Feel free to respond to any questions asked in the video. Also, tell me if you guys liked the video. If you guys respond positively, I will make more videos in the future!

Friday, February 19, 2016

B.L.A.D.E. Report #5 - Treachery


Okay! Heads up! A lot has happened in the past week. Once we left NLA, we decide to train in Oblivia. We complete "Taming Tectinsulas," where we were requested to hunt 7 clay tectinsulas. We carry on afterwards,exploring Oblivia and on our travels we fing this!


North of FN site 317 on the shore at the bottom of the cliff is the Beach Side Trove. This is definitely a good place to find items, so go and look for the cave if you wish. I guarantee your satisfaction. Next, we continue exploring, finding and installing probes at FN site 315 in Oblivia. All the way in the NE corner of Oblivia, we challenge the tyrant No-dhor, the Shadowcaster and win. You can find him NE of FN site 316. On our way back, we find a severed Mim arm. After our discovery with Yelv, I think I know who's this is. I can't wait to show this to him; once I find him of course. In celebration of our discoveries and accomplishments in this trip, I finally decide to buy a new Skell. The most expensive one the shop had; XS0730 Amdusias ST-Heavy Type.

       This skell is AWESOME! It comes with it's own E-Scythe!

We then check mission control for any gathering quests. There, we hand in 2 auroran bones to complete Hazmat Hunt. Since it was night, and we were celebrating, I dismiss everyone for the night and take a walk around NLA. By the Central Industrial District I find Irina having a "girl talk," with one of her BLADE companions. I join in, asserting that I can handle the "intensity." Apparently, Irina's really pissed at a BLADE who was hitting on one of her squad members. He seems to be the type of guy who hits on any girl without regard for their feelings. If anything, he's brave for even asking Irina as well. Regardless, his attitude and methods are just terrible, to which Irina agrees. Knowing Irina, I think she will teach him a lesson; with her fist. In the afternoon, I find Elma in the Central Industrial District. I overhear the conversation and learn that Elma is quite the engineer. She knows quite a bit about machines and how they work. After finishing her meeting about expanding the NLA shields, I praise her for her talents to which she disagrees saying that she has few talents; a few years of engineering back on Earth, her vast military experience, and her exceptional fighting skill. I would disagree, but she does bring a good point. Despite her "few talents," she wishes to use them to their highest potential to help others as much as she can. I like that way of thinking and I wish I had a resolve like her. On my way back to the Administrative District, I pass through the Commercial District and meet this Manon girl named Veverta. Veverta had lost her comm device, which is like a cell phone. I recommend her to the Nopon, Cherche to find her comm device. Once I mentioned price though, she did a complete 180 and abandoned her comm device all because she did not want to work. I hope eventually she will come to understand how important it is to work, for the sake of her future. At least we got her of her addiction. We finally get to the Administrative District where in the hanger, Gwin is reconnecting with and old friend from his basic training. After introductions, Gwin asks us to let Irina know that he is going to help his friend's squad install a probe in Oblivia. Having some doubts, knowing how inexperienced they are and how far away they're going, I offer to help them out. Honored, he declines and gains the confidence to go on this trip. I head to the barracks after telling Irina, and just enjoyed the rest of the day.

       Look at the apartment building in the car's reflection.

                     Where is the apartment? 0.o

The next night, Lin decides to ask me for a diner suggestion. I was craving something broiled, so Lin decided to make Tandoori Chicken. As always, delicious! Thanks Lin!Afterwards, Commander Vandham calls a meeting. It seems that Gwin met up with Irina's team and they are currently on a mission to retrieve the piece of life hold. It's only an archive unit, but it was in good condition and is one third of humanity's literature and history (like the last one), so it still has irreplaceable value. The meeting was not just that news though. The meeting was actually to inform us about Irina's request for reinforcements. Considering that their team is a special ops team like ours, the situation must be pretty bad. Once the debriefing was over, we quickly made our way to Ilora Ravine in Oblivia. Since my new skell is barely equipped, I left with my old one instead. Better safe than sorry.

                 This view brings back memories.

At the entrance to the Ravine, we had a run-in with the tyrant, Climati, the Chillng Wind. I specifically found him NW of FN site 318. From there, we made our way to Irina's group. Luckily, we get there in time. I think I heard Irina yelling at the others to run for the Life Hold while she takes all of the enemies alone. We meet up, get caught up on the situation, and offer to act as decoy. Having a skell with us gives us a better chance than Irina's group, so they went after the Life Hold while we revealed ourselves. It was quite a tough fight; six, SIX skells plus extra ground forces! Still, we easily dispatched them. That's when Elma thought something was wrong. There were clearly more troops than we fought; where were the others? Coming to the conclusion that the rest of the Ganlions were after Irina's team. We pass around the mountain, and confront Ferdinand, the Fortuitous. We defeat it and continue on to the Life Hold site. At last, we meet up with Irina's group. Gwin, and another BLADE were standing on guard while Irina and Marcus investigated the Life Hold. We ask Gwin if there were any hostiles, which there were none. Finding it odd, Elma comes to another realization and contacts Irina and Marcus to bail out as fast as they could. Just in the nick of time, the two jump off as a barrage of bullets and lasers destroy the Life Hold. Before we got any time to react, a familiar voice filtered through a speaker reached our ears.

                  This is a really nice view!

                            This one too!

                             Same spot, different angle.

That ganglion womam Goetia, in her Amadal skell, along with two more skells land behind us and she continues to insult and harass us. Her words were full of prejudice and racism. Elma snapped really quickly, though she had every right to, and opened fire. Our large group spit up; Irina's team fought the two back-up skells while we fought Goetia. We fight and afterwards, Goetia is at the disadvantage. Despite this, she continues to chastise us. This started making us question why the Ganglion, an intergalactic gang, are trying so hard to kill off every human, going so far to destroy Earth and chasing us across the galaxy. Goetia just avoids the question and escapes. Once things have calmed down, Irina starts venting out before leaving. Getting curious, I ask Elma if Irina has any personal resentments towards the Ganglion. Elma revels that Irina had a little brother and that he didn't make it onto the White Whale. He was on Earth as it was destroyed. This also affects Gwin as the two were best friends. Elma then concludes by saying that everyone has a story like this. It simply means that we are all in the same boat. It's just makes us even more connected and united. We report back to Commander Vandham at Blade Tower in NLA. We tell him all that has happened and learn that Irina has beat us to the punch, reporting even for us. I'll have to thank her for that later. We then return to the Barracks to eat. After all "no one cooks like Lin!"

          Even if the tower is our life counter, it makes quite the picture in the rain.

We take our time, preparing and equipping ourselves for our next journey. It has been a while since we travelled to Noctilum so that was where we went; along with my new skell. First, we headed to FN site 216 and installed a probe. During our exploration, we finished gathering the 8 H19 ion thrusters needed to complete Noctilum Trailblazing 2. We then install probes at FN sites 202 and 208.

               The falls in Noctilum are just so relaxing...

Mira has the prettiest nights.

Next, we rediscover the Prone base NE of FN site 211 in Noctilum. This base contained many level 25-30 humanoid enemies. In this base, there is the tyrant Demetrio, the Tempestuous who shouldn't be too much of a problem if you can handle multiple opponents over level 35. I do recommend to bring a skell to take and deal the damage to speed things up. We take out everyone and take all the treasure in this fort. At last, we head towards FN Site 224 which was quite the discovery.

                  TREASURE!!!!!! part 2


Thank you for reading and please! Tell me if you've found any interesting places to discover. I personally enjoy Scenic locations. Also, how about this? What is your favourite tyrant name or names? The can get pretty creative; who had the time to name them? 0_0 And finally, why do you think the Ganglion are trying so hard to bring our kind to extinction? It could help in future negotiations and I would like to hear your perspective.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

B.L.A.D.E. Report #4 - BFFs

Hunting out on a night like this is breathtaking!

Hey guys! I'm back with another post and since last time, we have gained a valuable ally. Who you may ask? Well, the Nopon of course! =^.^= They're sooooooo CUTE! And apparently, Commander Vandham agrees. In that moment, he was such a tsundere. If he only said BAKA, then he would earn all my respect and loyalty.

Anyways, Commander Vandham sent us on a mission to form an official alliance with the Nopon by getting them to sign a treaty. He tasked us to go visit Dodonga caravan and Dorian caravan and get them to sign said treaty. Guessing that Tatsu would want to see his "mamapon" as soon as possible, we go to Dodonga caravan first. As we enter the caravan, Tatsu's siblings, cute as always, welcome us. After things have calmed down, we quickly notice that Koko was missing. The little ones tell us that she went fishing three days ago. We all immediately thought the same thing; WHO GOES FISHING FOR THREE DAYS!!!! Filled with worry, we go looking for Koko around the many waterfalls at the north side of the continent.

Just on the nick of time, we here the voice of a really angry Nopon. As expected it was Koko and and indigen eating a HUGE fish! Seriously! It was bigger than one of us! First of all how did Koko catch that thing? Two, how was Koko not scared. I have to admit; she is extremely devoted to her children. She even threatened to eat the indigen if it didn't leave. Tatsu quickly breaks up the tension and runs in between the two. He begins saying quite some honorable things until he then quickly asks us to kill the indigen for them. With a sigh of disappointment and urgency, we engage in battle. As the indigen falls, Koko states that it's corpse will be their new dinner and thanks us and Tatsu. Before bringing the corpse back to the caravan, we ask if she could sign the treaty. After just saving her, she happily agrees. Once we take the corpse back to the caravan, we head to Dorian caravan in Oblivia. On the way, we defeat Hephaestus, the Absconder and complete his bounty mission of the same name.

              Someday, we'll take down that indigen...

At Dorian caravan, we meet the head, Mujiji. We negotiate and he makes his request. In order to sign the treaty, Mujiji requires 30,000 credits for his caravan. At this point, this large amount of money isn't that much since I'm making so much, so paid the full amount without complaint. It was then that I realize that the caravan tricked us when one of the residents gets exited, talking about getting loopy on pollen orbs. It seems that the money is only going to be used for their pleasure. Well, merchants are definitely merchants.

We finally report back to Commander Vandham and the immigration of Nopon began. The alliance has been made official. To make the most of the alliance, a group of Nopon started a new arms manufacturing group; The Nopon Commercerce Guild. This group focuses on making thermal weapons and larger magazine capacities. To give a good start, I invested a large amount of miranium and they reach their second milestone. Unfortunately, no new developments have been made.

YES! We can all become Heropon of the Nopon!

Last but not least, we complete a bunch of basic missions from mission control. Right after accepting them, we've completed, Skell repairs; gather 5 broken pincers, Coolest of the Cool; gather 3 sharp germivore jaws, Extreme Flufiness; gather 3 green simius manes, No Friend Like Nopon; gather 12 babaco leaves, Must-Have Blob; gather 7 loathsome blobs, and Standing Tall(er); gather 10 spine-o-correctors. Have I mentioned that I love these names? They are so creative, yet so simple. We also accept the bounty quests; Mesgen, the Fairweathered, Ferdinand, the Fortuitous, Purgovent Purge, Lockhart, the Killer of Hope, Culling Caesuses, Laying Lowphids Low, and Ludvik, the Picky Eater. We go and do some hunting to complete some of the bounties. We complete Plucking Auravices where we had to defeat 2 reaver auravices. We also defeat Ludvick, the Picky Eater and Mesgen, the Fairweathered, completing their bounties. We have gained much, and I guess there is such thing as too much of a good thing. On the way to NLA, we ran into an indigen that was way over our heads. Before we could even run away, it took out my entire team and skell in two hits. There goes my insurance. Now, the insurance company will only cover repairs for my skell one more time.

                     If only we could fly...

And that's it! Thank you for reading and please! Tell me if you ever wrecked a vehicle before. Here on Mira or back on Earth. How did you feel when this happened? Where there any specifics or interesting stories you want to share? Feel free to respond here and remember that you are not obligated to respond. If you want to you can.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

B.L.A.D.E. Report #3 - Sun'celeg Rises

Heeeeeellllllo NLA! All the way from Oblivia, here is my third post.

 This is where we will be camping for the night.

So after we left Professor B's lab the next night, we continued walking around the Industrial District talking to people; for both idle chatter and for useful information. At the Outfitters Test Hanger we find Lin talking with some mechanics and technicians. Interested in the conversation we join it and once again are reminded of Lin's infatuation with machines and tech. We also converse about how quickly technology is advancing thanks to the many dire situations humanity has encountered along with the number of alien species we've allied ourselves with. While admitting to her desire to put all her efforts into the advancement and inventing of technology, Lin still is proud of the way she helps out with these advancements. Apparently, B.L.A.D.E and what they do are the biggest inspirations to these inventors. Lin ends the conversation by thanking Elma and I for being such supportive teammates and friends. Remembering about when I first meet Lin and Doug, I jest and add that Doug should also be thanked as he is basically her guinea pig for her research. She happily agrees saying that Doug is the most tough and reliable person she knows. Afterwards, we return to the Administration district to prepare for travel in Oblivia.

I just love this view of the ring with the mountains in the back.

In Oblivia, we do some hunting; to train and get stronger as well as to complete the basic mission, Axing Falsaxum where we have to defeat 6 lake falsaxums. Thanks to my Skell, we managed to complete the mission and return safely. In addition, one of the falsaxums dropped a Skell weapon that is a lot better than the weapon currently equipped. It was a type of scythe that had an art with the effect of a two-hit backslash. For those who wish to know, the weapon is called the E-Scythe; equipped to the right shoulder. Once completed, we went to Primordia to explore. On our travels, we ran into the tyrant, Elutanne, the Bloodthirsty for the first time, and beat it. During the battle, I accidentally fell off the cliff into the Silent Mire. Since I haven't been to the Rock Cavern in a while, once the battle ended, we explored the cave, now knowing that we can handle most of the enemies in the cave. Once content with our findings, we returned to NLA to take a rest.

Do you like my Skell?

 Checking on the the Manon Ship, we find the Orpheans we saved a while ago on board, discussing some sort of topic. As we join, they talk to us about their agreement to assist us in the fight against the Ganglion in exchange for the survival of the Orphean species. From there, the discussion transitioned into talking about the concept of agreeing and disagreeing as the Orphe species are practically incapable of disagreeing with each other. We learn that every Orphe has something called the Ovah which is what gives the Orphe species a common will, like a hive mind, regardless of their individuality as living beings. Getting to the point, our client Sun'barac tells us that Sun'celeg has not returned and it's becoming a huge concern. Another Orphe rushes in reporting to Sun'barac that a Definian has infiltrated NLA looking like a human and kidnapped Sun'celeg. Accepting the request, we go out to the B.L.A.D.E. Tower in the Administrative District to look for info on Sun'celeg's kidnapping. We follow the trail to the East Gate where we learn that Sun'celeg was most likely taken to Oblivia. Reporting our findings to Sun'barac, we make a plan. Knowing that it's only going to be one Definian, I decide that our team will move on ahead to dispatch the kidnapper. We meet up with the Definian and fight. Sun'celeg then proceeds to thank us and reassure that by the agreement, we will kill any and all those who pose a threat to the Orphe to which I respond by saying that the specifics that Sun'celeg mentions are too brutal and immoral. He promptly disagrees, saying that there is no logic in letting the enemy live. With our guard down, the Definian suddenly gets up, says her last words and kills Sun'celeg before dying herself. Too late to help, the other Orphes come and watch as Sun'celeg dies. We then learn of the existence of senirapa water and that it is the last of their supplies. Sun'barac decides to use it so that they can gain Sun'celeg's knowledge. The use of the water suddenly gives birth to two more Orphes, Tan'celeg and Ten'celeg; Sun'celeg's offspring. Sun'barac explains that Orpheans have acheived reproduction through fission with the use of the senirapa water as a medium. We learn that during the fission, all knowledge from the parent gets passed down to the offspring. And finally, we complete the request and decide to spend the night there. 

Just behind us is where Sun'celeg and the Definian died.

Thank you for reading and please! Tell me if  you think the end result would have changed if we decided to go find Sun'celeg with the other Orphes and how do you think events would of changed? Do you agree with Sun'celeg's beliefs about the slaughtering of enemies? Also, this is the first time in a post where I added a picture of my Skell from the front. What do you think of the paint job I put? Isn't it fabulous. In my opinion, it's "pretty pretty"! On a last note, feel free to show off your Skell here in the comments. I want to see what Skell designs you came up with.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

B.L.A.D.E. Report #2 - Arms and the Man

Great Scott! The last few days have been pretty crazy, but I'm back and I've got some stories to tell you. Since I've left off at Sylvalum last time, I installed a probe at FN sites 411 and 417. Even better, we found this!

 A piece of the Life Hold! Unfortunately, we can't do any with it until the higher ups figure out a plan of retrieval since it's quite a ways away, there are many indigen nests in the area, and the Ganglion are littered on the path to the Life Hold piece. Also, for the sake of secrecy, the coordinates will remain confidential. What's next? Well jumping (driving) of a cliff of course! Remember the previously mentioned indigen nests? It didn't take long for them to notice us and the foggy night really didn't help either. The only thing I could think of was to drive off the edge of the continent which thankfully worked. And back to NLA we went. After checking in with the Barracks and doing some equipment and team organisation, the team and I checked with mission control and handed in materials needed for A Crickety Cure; 3 glassy crickets, What's a Toaman; 5 vials of toaman acid, and Thick-Skinned- 4 hard skins.

 Afterwards, Yelv comes up to us and we converse, looking for interesting missions. During this exchange, we learn that Yelv worked in the military back on Earth, stationed in a desert and that he got most of his info from the neighboring towns; the locals and that we should do the same to look for an "interesting" mission. He also talks about how he and his best friend used to sneak out of the barracks at night to hang out with "the boys" and work as bouncers for a little extra money. Back to the present, we take a look around the commercial district and overhear talk of some tough blattas gathering near NLA's walls. With nothing else to, our team when out to take care of it.We squashed them (literally) and returned to Elenora to report our completion. After congratulating our success, Elenora continues to tease and talk to Yelv about the thing he's looking for. Her interest in him only makes me want to ship them so bad. They're a cute couple in my opinion, even though Yelv has absolutely no interest in her. She then mentions about some White Whale wreckage at Oblivia's Great Washington Isle. Exited, Yelv gets ready to depart as do we. We get there and fight some curious indigen followed by inspecting the debris. We find an arm of a mim to which Yelv freaks out with excitement and happiness saying "He's here!" With that, he takes me away from the others and tells my about his past and how it relates to this. I promised to keep this a secret so the details will be left out; sorry! Maybe some other time, I'll be able to tell you.

 Back at NLA, I hand in the 11 shimmering skins for Fell Fashion at mission control and then take a walk around the Residential District then the Commercial District, and finally the Industrial District. As I enter the residential district, I notice a weird man by one of the garages tucked away in the North side of the district. By talking to him, I get accused of being an assassin to which I reply peacefully and gain his trust. The man introduces himself as Professor B. It also becomes established that some of his language can't be translated or even pronounced in English.

I decide to help him with his research and his first request is to obtain some tykki sap from Noctilum. I assemble the team and we go out to find the sap. What a coincidence! It's found in a tree right beside the Prone Base mentioned last post.

              (The entrance is where the arrow is)

We managed to sneak our way through and get the syrup, but not before an encounter with four B.L.A.D.E. members. They had us surrounded and questioned us. Hoping for the slight chance that they would not attack, I answer them honestly, but they still attacked us after. It was an easy fight until a small swarm of wasp-like indigen too close to the fight joined in.It was close, but we made it out on top, getting the sap and getting it to Professor B. According to him those B.L.A.D.E.s being led by Gadd just wants Professor B's tech. He compensates and apologizes to us buy giving us the money to buy the next item, a car! Why? Because he apparently is from the future and wants to build a time machine to get back to his time Back To The Future style with said car. He even has a young Manon sidekick named Veven who probably should not be involved in this, but it was his choice. And so, we went to his friend in the Commercial District to buy a car. What do you know? We had choices; an average blue car for 10,000G, a wrecked grey car for 1,000G and a high quality red and black car for 100,000G. Since Professor B gave us 10,000G, we bought the average car. At last, we tested the time machine once Professor B installed all the modifications. With some convincing Professor B gets Veven to test it. Of course, it didn't work. The Professor surmised that we'll need some topaz wine from a clay tectinsula to fix the time machine. Once we returned with the topaz wine, the Professor fixed the machine and prepared to leave. After exchanging our last words, he leaves and Veven comes back too late. I felt bad for the little guy. He really wanted to be a part of the scientific breakthrough that is time travel. He didn't even get to say bye to the Professor. Hoping to get his spirits up, I mentioned how grateful the Professor was and that he promised to always keep us in his heart as the ones who helped him conquer time. That was what was needed to reignite Veven's spirit. He then swears that he will dedicate the rest of his life to time travel and to find Professor B again. Veven went straight to work and here we are now; at the Professor's lab.

 Thank you for reading and please! Tell me who you think the arm of that mim we found with Yelv belongs to, or what car you would of bought for Professor B. Also, tell me if you also think Yelv and Elenora make a cute couple.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

B.L.A.D.E. Report #1 - The Ties That Bind

Hello! So here is my first post coming all the way from Sylvalum.

So, since the start of this journal, I've done quite a bit in the side-questing side. First on the list? Well..... ordering pizza; for a Manon named Jeshero. TEN WHOLE PIZZA's all in order to compensate for the creation of a necklace containing a Nopon matchmaking stone (a very valuable and hard rock that Tatsu gave to us). After receiving the necklace, the client/Lao's teammate Shingo takes it to give to his crush Dorothy. And with that, they officially become a couple. How sweet! Also, Lao mentions an interesting thought. As you know, our bodies are Mimeosomes or Mims; a robotic body meant to act just like a human body in almost every way. Regardless, our bodies are still fake and some human necessities can be ignored. Lao makes a quick comment on how he finds intimate relationships pointless in our state of being Mims. I should probably inquire what he means by that at a later point.

On our way back to the Administrative District, we meet up with this Nopon named Tora who apparently is Tatsu's rival in something. Tora mentions the location of a Nopon caravan in Noctilum called the Dodonga Caravan. Back at the Baracks, Tatsu explains that it is one of the larger caravans started by the legendary Heropon Dodonga, and that the caravan is where Tatsu himself comes from. We decide to accompany Tatsu to the caravan so that he can visit his "momapon". On the way, we complete some basic missions; miranium delivery, and hunting a pair of jacular saltats. By the way, be careful if you head North East of FN site 222. Around the area, there is a Ganglion fortress with level 50 humanoid and mechanical enemies.
(sorry for the lack of map location; will be added in next post)

Once we found the caravan, we receive a warm welcome by Tatsu's younger siblings and mother, Koko. After introductions and a humorous misunderstanding, we learn about Tatsu's glasses handed down by his father. Unfortunately, because of Tatsu's disappearance a while ago, Koko believed he was dead and threw his glasses into the ocean as tradition (to throw the belongings of the deceased into the sea to send them to their owners). After hearing this, we go looking for the glasses. After chasing down a certain indigen, we get the glasses back and return to the caravan. Tatsu tries on the glasses and I have to say, he looks...... amusing. In addition, we learn that Tatsu's father is this year's heropon to clear up debt and that Tatsu will inherit the leadership of the Dodonga caravan once his mother steps down.

Before leaving we meet this one Nopon called Nosusu who, continuing the family business, wants to sell her wares but is struggling. She decides to invent a hat that appeals to both Nopon and humans. We get her all the required materials and add some vibrant plumes to the pile to make a bright red hat.
The end result surprisingly is a hat that resembles Santa's hat. What I'm worried about is that it may attract hungry indigen which will be very bad for the victim. Did I make the right choice? As a last note, I invested some miranium into Orphean Technologies reaching their second milestone. and invented a new series of heavy wear that focuses on defense and evasion.

Thank you for reading and please! Tell me what you think about what Lao was talking about or if I should of made a small fluffy hat instead of the red hat.